Step-by-Step Guide To Designing The Ultimate Kitchen Island Bench

Planning or designing a new kitchen? Then there's a good chance you're considering an island bench in your kitchen as well! …And given the ever-evolving demands of modern kitchens, it's crucial your new island bench design can handle more than just your day-to-day needs.

But where do you begin, and what design elements are essential for your new island kitchen bench? This guide will help you plan your new kitchen island bench design so it ticks all the boxes!

island bench in kitchen with Scandinavian grey style kitchen design and black bar stools

Zephyr and Stone • Scandi Kitchen with Island Bench in Kitchen

  1. Identify Your Kitchen Island Bench Needs

First things first, what are YOUR kitchen essentials? It’s vital to first determine the tasks, storage and demands for your island bench to ensure it’s not only functional, but also meets your lifestyle needs. Consider the following questions:

  • Will your new island bench include breakfast bar seating?

  • Do you want your kitchen island bench seating to cater for kids to sit, chat, and do homework while snacking?

  • Is maximizing kitchen island bench storage a priority?

  • Do you want a kitchen island with sink and dishwasher, or will these be positioned elsewhere in your kitchen design?

  • What clever kitchen island cabinets and integrated storage solutions (such as integrated bins) would be handy to maximize functionality and workflow in the space?

Z+ S Tip • Custom kitchen bench designs should cater to your household’s needs, preferences, and how you’d like to work and entertain in your kitchen. Make a shortlist of essential tasks and storage for your island bench, to ensure it meets the needs of your household.

kitchens with island benches designs with plans and colours

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2. Kitchen Plan With Island: Planning Bench Location

Once you've determined the purpose and tasks for your kitchen island, it's essential to consider the location and your kitchen island layout plans.

Your island bench location should maximize functionality and movement in the kitchen, as well as any adjacent zones such as dining and living areas that flow from the kitchen. To ensure an efficient and practical kitchen design with island, keep these points in mind:

  • Centrally locate the kitchen island bench for easy access to your pantry, cooktop, and fridge.

  • Especially in open-plan kitchen designs, clearly define the kitchen footprint and ensure your kitchen design does not intrude into walkways or other living spaces.

  • Consider the island bench location in relation to your kitchen work triangle (sink, cooktop, and refrigerator) for optimal workflow.

  • If incorporating kitchen bench dining, ensure there’s adequate space for bar stools for island bench seating on either side, and you’ll need wider kitchen walkways for easy movement around the area.

Z+S Tip • When planning your kitchen island bench location, balance function and aesthetics, for the best result in your open-plan design.

kitchen island benches in Contemporary Coastal Kitchen Design with rattan pendant light

Zephyr and Stone • Contemporary Coastal Kitchen Island Bench

kitchen island bench designs in white kitchen with wooden stools

Zephyr and Stone • Coral House Kitchen Island Bench Design

3. Island Bench Size

When planning your kitchen island bench size, consider 1) your kitchen design goals, and 2) how much space do your realistically have?

A larger island that can accommodate more people and provide additional workspace is amazing! — but first and foremost it’s critical that your kitchen bench size is proportionate to your kitchen size and any adjacent living spaces.

To determine the ideal kitchen island size, consider these factors:

  1. Evaluate any restrictions for your island bench size, by first allocating ample room for kitchen walkways. Allow minimum 1100mm wide, but ideally 1200mm+ wide for all kitchen walkways.

  2. Make kitchen walkway widths wider, where kitchen benches with storage sit opposite appliances. For example, if kitchen drawers sit directly opposite an oven, ensure the walkway is wide enough so users can pass easily when the drawers or appliance is open or in use.

  3. Plan your island bench breakfast bar length so there’s enough room for all your bar stools. For example, a kitchen island with seating for 4 will need to be 2500-2600mm long.

  4. For larger kitchens, consider a kitchen island breakfast bar or island bench length of 3-4m+, to create a standout feature and accommodate extra storage or appliances.

  5. Plan the kitchen benchtop size and depth so there’s enough room for the standard island bench overhang for kitchen island bench seating — about 300mm deep — so bar stools sit mostly tucked in, when not in use.

Kitchen Bench Size: Standard Sizing

  • The standard island kitchen bench depth with breakfast bar seating is 900mm which includes = the standard depth of kitchen cabinets Australia — 600mm + 300mm for the kitchen benchtop overhang.

  • But take it from us — bigger is definitely better when it comes to the overall depth of an island bench, which is why the standard island kitchen benchtop depth in Z+S kitchen designs is minimum 1050mm, and when spaces allows, we always design our island benches 1200mm deep — to create that designer kitchen look and feel.

  • When planning your kitchen island seating, allow approximately 600-650mm wide for each bar stool, so users can sit with ample elbow room.

The ideal kitchen island bench size for your space will balance both function and style — providing ample zones for food preparation, storage, and socializing while enhancing the overall kitchen design.

Z + S Tip • Consider the length of your kitchen island stone or material when planning kitchen benchtop sizes. For longer benches you made need to purchase additional pieces of stone or benchtop material and plan for a kitchen island benchtop join. If a benchtop join is required, the ideal spot, so it’s as seamless as possible is at the island bench sink.

Grey Kitchen with Island Bench and black bar stools

Zephyr and Stone • Retreat House Kitchen with Island Bench

4. Kitchen Bench With Storage

A kitchen island provides the perfect opportunity to add much-needed kitchen storage. Even the back of a wider island bench can be utilised for extra cupboard space rather than boxing in an empty cavity. Make use of every opportunity and ensure to plan island bench storage to suit your kitchen design.

Not sure whether you want a kitchen island bench with sink?

There’s no hard and fast rules — we love the look and functionality of a sink on the island bench, however, it’s really a matter of personal choice! If you are including a sink on your island, opt for an extra-wide island bench if viable, to create more distance between the back of the sink and people sitting on stools directly opposite. A 1050-1200mm deep island benchtop works well, providing ample space.

Your island bench is the perfect location for high-use appliances, especially a dishwasher (alongside the sink), a microwave (just below the bench for easy access), or a bar fridge. Storage that works especially well here includes integrated rubbish bins and extra-large drawers for storing items like Tupperware or dinnerware.

Finally, don’t forget that your benchtop counts as storage too! Your benchtop provides vital storage and a workspace for food prep and cooking, so ensure you allocate enough benchtop space when designing a kitchen island.

Z + S Tip • When considering storage options for your new kitchen island benches, look at your existing kitchen design and take note of what storage works well and where it’s lacking, to ensure your new design caters to your needs.

kitchens with island bench and integrated bins

Zephyr and Stone • Kitchen Storage for Kitchens with Island Bench

kitchen island seating in Scandinavian grey design guide

Zephyr and Stone • Scandi Kitchen with Kitchen Island Seating

5. Kitchen Island Bench Seating

As well as being a functional and social space for preparing food and cooking meals, kitchen island benches have the power to bring the household together. Our favourite island bench design includes the integration of kitchen bench dining where bar stools are positioned opposite each other. This creates a zone that’s ideal for casual dinners, family time, work or entertaining at home.

If you have space to include seating around your island bench, you’ll upsize your kitchen’s usability tenfold, plus create a versatile space family and friends to gather day and night. Whatever island bench design you choose, don’t forget to allocate ample space to accommodate the number of bar stools you’ll need on all sides.

island bench in modern kitchen design

Zephyr and Stone • Resort House Kitchen Island Bench

White island benches kitchen

Zephyr and Stone • Classic Coastal Kitchen Bench in Kitchen

6. Extra Features + Island Bench Ideas

Your kitchen island bench design wouldn’t be complete without those extra features to maximise function, aesthetics and usability!

  • Power is vital for your dishwasher and other appliances, but adding additional power points for the use of small appliances or charging is a big tick when it comes to functionality! Or consider integrating wireless chargers under your bench for added convenience, or a sleek integrated PointPod.

  • If your bench includes a sink, consider undermounting to create seamless lines and pair with a feature mixer tap to add instant style to your design.

  • Splash out and create a thicker benchtop apron for added ‘wow’ factor and integrate special cabinetry finishes such as panelling, tiles or custom profiles or add a feature benchtop to elevate the whole space.

  • Finally, no island bench is complete without feature island bench lighting to bring the whole design together. When choosing lighting, opt for a layered lighting scheme where different light sources are used for different tasks. Install pendant lights over the benchtop to create atmosphere and style, combined with downlights to maximise functionality and light for food prep.

  • When choosing any pendants or lighting for your island bench, always consider the other materials and colours in the space and opt for pieces that balance and complement your design.

kitchen islands renovation planner

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