How To Feng Shui A Modern Home: Room-By-Room

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging your environment and spaces for harmony and balance.

But Feng Shui is not JUST an ancient Chinese practice; it's the KEY to transforming any modern home from chaos to calm — because applying Feng Shui principles results in a home that looks and feels good to live in, and where everything is in its right place.

For a successful modern home design, Feng Shui is definitely your secret weapon… and modern home designs that are described as well-balanced, functional and practical — generally also adhere to well-executed Feng Shui.

Are you ready to give your home the good flow it deserves? Here’s how to apply the Feng Shui rules room-by-room for better modern living…

feng shui living room with ample natural light

Far Studio • Feng Shui Living Room

So, What Are the 5 Principles of Feng Shui?

To nail Feng Shui in your home, you’ve got to master its five core principles:

1. The Commanding Position

The Commanding Position refers to how you position key pieces of furniture — like a bed, desk, and stove — so you have a clear view of the door without being directly in line with it. This placement allows you to feel more secure and in control of your space.

2. The Five Elements

Feng Shui is based on the balance of five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each element represents different aspects of life and can be brought into your home through materials, colours, and shapes. For instance, wood can be represented by wooden furniture or green plants, while fire can be introduced through candles or the colour red.

3. Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang represent balance and harmony. Yin is passive, soft, and calming, while Yang is active, bright, and vibrant. A balanced home should have a mix of both, such as soft lighting (Yin) in the bedroom, and bright, natural light (Yang) in the living room.

4. Bagua Map

The Bagua Map is a tool used in Feng Shui to analyse the energy of a space. It divides a room into nine sections, each representing different areas of life such as wealth, health, and relationships. By aligning your home’s layout with the Bagua Map, you can enhance specific areas of your life.

5. Decluttering

Clutter blocks the flow of energy, so decluttering is a fundamental practice in Feng Shui. Keep your spaces tidy and organised to maintain a smooth energy flow throughout your home.

feng shui mirrors idea in kitchen design

Madeleine Blanchfield • Feng Shui Kitchen Mirror

What’s the First Rule of Feng Shui?

The first rule of Feng Shui is understanding and applying the Commanding Position. This principle emphasises placing your most important furniture — like the bed, desk, or stove — in a position where you can see the door while avoiding being directly in line with it. This positioning promotes a sense of security and control, which is foundational to a harmonious home.

Here are our top tips for mastering the First Rule of Feng Shui in your modern home design:

Feng Shui Front Door + Entry

The home entry is where energy first enters a home, making achieving a Feng Shui entry pivotal to the success of your Feng Shui home. A well-balanced entryway will set a positive tone for the entire house, inviting good energy in, and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Tips for a Balanced Feng Shui Entry:

  • Clear the Clutter: It’s vital to keep your home entry tidy and free of obstacles to allow energy to flow freely. Use storage solutions like shoe racks or cabinets to keep the space organised.

  • Feng Shui Mirrors: Mirrors can expand the space and reflect light, but avoid placing them directly opposite the door, as this can push energy back outside. Instead, position a mirror on a side wall to enhance the space without disrupting the energy flow.

  • Add Greenery: Incorporate plants like jade or peace lilies that are easier to maintain, and will invite vitality and fresh energy into your home.

  • Lighting Matters: A well-lit entryway creates a welcoming ambience. Use warm, soft lighting to make the space feel inviting. Consider adding a statement pendant or wall sconces to create soft ambient lighting by night.

feng shui mirror placement at front door

Matters + Made • Feng Shui Mirror Placement 

feng shui mirror at front door in light filled wide entry hallway with foliage in vase

Far Studio • Feng Shui Mirror At Front Door

Feng Shui Living Room

The living room is a social hub where energy needs to flow freely while maintaining a comfortable, inviting feeling. Applying Feng Shui rules here can enhance the ambience of the space and help foster better connections with family and friends.

Feng Shui Living Room Layout:

  • Furniture Placement: Arrange furnitures to encourage conversation and ensure clear pathways for energy to flow. Position seating so it faces the door but isn’t directly aligned with it, following the Commanding Position principle.

  • Incorporate the Five Elements: Introduce materials and colours that represent the five elements — wood (wooden furniture), fire (candles or red accents), earth (ceramic or terracotta pieces), metal (furniture or styling accessories), and water (a small fountain or blue tones).

  • Balance Yin and Yang: Combine soft, Yin elements like soft cushions or curtains with vibrant Yang accents such as bright metallic finishes. This mix makes the space feel lively yet comfortable, promoting both relaxation and social interaction.

  • Colour Scheme: Use a mix of warm and cool tones to balance the energy in the living room. Warm colours like beige, gold, or burnt orange create a welcoming vibe, while cooler tones like blue or green add a sense of calm and relaxation.

feng shui living room layout

Lindye Galloway • Feng Shui Living Room Layout

Feng Shui Bedroom

The bedroom is your sanctuary — it’s your best place for rest and rejuvenation. So, applying Feng Shui bedroom rules to your home design can completely transform your downtime and create a more peaceful space that enhances sleep and your overall wellbeing.

Feng Shui Bedroom Layout:

  • Feng Shui Bed Position: Place your bed in the Commanding Position, diagonally from across the door, without being directly in line with it. This positioning allows you to feel secure and supported while you rest.

  • Declutter: Keep the bedroom clutter-free, especially under the bed, to maintain a smooth flow of energy. Use storage solutions like under-bed drawers or built-in storage to keep the room organised.

  • Soft Lighting: Opt for warm, soft lighting to create a bedroom design conducive to rest. Bedside lamps with dimmers or ambient wall lighting can help you unwind at the end of the day.

  • Material Choices: Use natural materials like cotton, linen, or bamboo for bedding and styling. These materials are relaxing and enhance the soothing energy in the room.

  • Colour Palette: Choose soothing colours in neutral tones to create a tranquil atmosphere. These hues can help reduce stress, making your bedroom a true retreat.

feng shui bedroom bed position showing feng shui bedroom layout

Zephyr and Stone • Feng Shui Bedroom Bed Position

feng shui bedroom design with feng shui bedroom bed position

Far Studio • Feng Shui Bedroom

Feng Shui Kitchen

The kitchen is considered the heart of the home in Feng Shui, symbolising health, wealth, and prosperity. A well-designed Feng Shui kitchen promotes positive energy and supports the wellbeing of everyone in the household.

Feng Shui In Kitchen Tips:

  • Balance Fire and Water: The stove represents fire, while the sink symbolises water. Ensure these elements are not directly opposite each other, as this can create conflict. If they are, consider placing a wood element, like a small plant or wooden cutting board between them to harmonise the energy.

  • Keep It Clean: A clean and organised kitchen is essential in Feng Shui, as clutter can block positive energy. Regularly clean surfaces, declutter countertops, and keep the pantry organised to maintain a healthy flow of energy.

  • Use Bright Colours: Incorporate colours like red, orange, or yellow to stimulate appetite and conversation. These vibrant hues can be introduced through kitchen accessories, backsplash tiles, or even fresh fruit bowls.

  • Best Feng Shui Kitchen Layout: Functionality is key in your Feng Shui Kitchen, and your kitchen layout should promote efficiency and ease of movement. The classic kitchen triangle—positioning the stove, sink, and refrigerator in a triangular layout—supports a smooth workflow and positive energy flow.

  • Materials: Use natural materials like stone, wood, and ceramic to enhance the earth element in your kitchen. These materials add warmth and stability, promoting an uplifting environment.

feng shui in kitchen with triangle feng shui kitchen sink and stove

Magdalena Roze • Feng Shui in Kitchen

feng shui kitchen

Jorge de Jorge • Feng Shui Kitchen

Feng Shui Bathroom

Feng Shui bathrooms are often seen as areas where energy can escape, making it important to design them thoughtfully to achieve balance and harmony in the space.

Feng Shui In Bathroom Tips:

  • Keep the Door Closed + Feng Shui Toilet Seat: Always keep the bathroom door closed to prevent energy from escaping. Additionally, keep the toilet lid down when not in use to contain energy within the space.

  • Balance Water with Wood: Introduce wooden elements to counterbalance the excess water energy. Wooden shelves, bamboo accessories, or a small plant add warmth and stability.

  • Lighting and Ventilation: Ensure your bathroom is well-lit and properly ventilated to keep the space fresh, and the energy flowing smoothly. Natural light is ideal, but if that’s not possible, use soft, warm lighting to enhance the mood.

  • Feng Shui Mirror Placement: Place mirrors carefully to avoid reflecting the toilet, as this can be seen as multiplying negative energy. Instead, position mirrors to reflect positive elements like plants or decorative items.

  • Feng Shui Bathroom Colour: Light, warm and soft colours, especially beige and light greys, are the best choice for creating harmony and to Feng Shui your bathroom. When incorporating other colours in your bathroom interior, opt for pastels or light shades, in earthy or nature-inspired tones.

feng shui bathroom design

Zephyr and Stone • Feng Shui Bathroom Vanity

fen shui bathroom colour in soft and calming bathroom design

The Dharma Door • Feng Shui Bathroom Colour

By incorporating Feng Shui principles into the key areas of your home — the entryway, living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom — you can easily create a home that looks beautiful and feels energised and peaceful.

Check out our downloadable resources to plan and organise your new home design room-by-room.

…And tell us about your Feng Shui experiences + tips in the comments below!


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